How to Properly Maintain Your Home Business’s Website

Guest post by Carla Lopez

If you’re running your first home business, you’ve likely put a website on the internet to promote your products and services. This is a great first step, but your job as your own webmaster isn’t quite done yet. Today on The Side Hustle Journey, we will discuss a few ways to keep an eye on your website and why you can’t just hit publish and turn the other cheek.

What to Watch

There are dozens of different metrics to pay attention to when it comes to your website. These include visitor statistics, conversion rate, traffic source, and popular pages.

Visitor statistics show you how many people are visiting your website and from where. Your conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors that have made a purchase, downloaded a paper, or interacted with your site based on your preferred parameters. Traffic source points you to where people are coming from, whether that’s an organic Google search, your website, or from ad-based sources. Your website dashboard can also show you which pages are the most popular and have gotten the most attention, which can help you create content that appeals to your potential customers.

How to Get Data

Your website dashboard is an obvious first spot. However, there may be other places, such as databases and social media, that have valuable insight you can use to build a better home business. You can also utilize business process management (BPM) strategies. While there is no specific BPM that works for all businesses, these are essentially processes that allow you to analyze your systems and workflows, which then lets you automate for greater efficiency. If you want to know more about BPM, a quick Google search is all it takes to do your research. One quick tip here: whenever you do come up with the BPM framework/strategy, keep an eye on it to ensure it maintains its effectiveness.

Benefits of Monitoring Your Website

In addition to reading data, you should also check your website periodically to:

  • Make sure it’s online. Your website has to be up and running to be of any use to anyone, including you and your customers. Check your website daily to ensure there are no unusual errors that might render your site ineffective. Pingdom shares information on common HTTP errors.
  • Monitor your website’s speed. There are few things more frustrating than logging into a website that takes forever to show content. While slow internet and needed system upgrades might be reasons that individuals experience slow load time, if your website itself is the problem, you’re going to lose customers.
  • Confirm its growth. Your visitor statistics can show you how many people are coming to your website over time. Ideally, you have more visitors today than you did this time last year.
  • Work more closely with your hosting company. Keeping a close watch on and documenting statistics coming from your website arms you with more information if you ever need to contact your hosting company with a problem.
  • Build a better marketing strategy. As you watch your website grow (or not), you can tap into insight that helps you create a better online experience and more relevant marketing materials for your customers. By knowing what your site visitors are and are not utilizing, you can get a better idea of what they do and do not want. Site statistics might lead you toward more email marketing, SEO, or video marketing.

You do not have to hold a degree in information technology to understand and utilize website statistics. Monitoring your site by utilizing business process management techniques and then working to better your online presence based on the information you find is one of the best possible ways to keep your home business steps ahead of the competition.

Follow The Side Hustle Journey blog for more inspiration as you navigate the world of self-employment. 

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A Beginner’s Guide to Building and Managing a Remote Freelance Team

Guest post by Ethel Lair.

A Beginner’s Guide to Building and Managing a Remote Freelance Team

As a business owner, you want to have the best possible people on your team so that your business has the best chance for success and continued growth. Taking advantage of the growing remote freelancer market makes good business sense. If you’d like to start building a freelance team but are unsure of where to start, check out these three tips from Home Office Wellness

Set Yourself Up for Success
Before you begin hiring freelancers, ensure your business is in its best position to take on remote workers. Forming a limited liability company can be a smart move for your business, as LLC status offers a number of perks. Not only will your taxes be easier to file when tax season comes around, but you’ll also benefit from more flexibility than other formations, and your assets will be better separated from those of your business.

To save the fees you’d need to shell out to a lawyer, simply utilize an online formation service that lets you file for a fraction of the cost. LLC laws vary between states, so research yours before proceeding to see if an LLC is right for your business. Business News Daily recommends comparing different formation options before making your final decision. 

Consider International Options
One striking benefit of a remote team is that your hiring options increase exponentially. When you go remote, you can have highly qualified workers from all over the globe helping you reach your business goals. The tax laws of international work have become increasingly easier to navigate in recent years.

Historically, employing international contractors meant being burdened with the prohibitive costs of traditional payment platforms. Now, though, low-fee money transfer services allow you to get your freelancers paid whether they’re in Asia or right down the road.

Finding international workers is straightforward as well, and you can use the same hiring tools that you would for domestic hires. Major jobs websites such as Indeed and other online job boards allow you to filter your search results to applicants in a certain country.

Look into accounting software that works for your business, regardless of your freelancer strategy. Proper software will make it easy for you to implement an employment strategy that works for you, as well as making it easier to shift strategies if need be.

Perfect Communications Practices
When workers aren’t in one centralized location, communicating effectively becomes key. This is particularly true when projects require a larger team to work together. Email is essential, but other tools and platforms will likely be necessary as well. Free communication platforms such as Google Chat and Discord can come in handy when team members need to brainstorm or talk their way through problem-solving and planning.

When devising more complex projects such as marketing campaigns, sharing large files can become an issue. Limitations of email size may keep you from sending large files in their original forms or make the process cumbersome by requiring you to send them one at a time. Merging PDFs into a single file offers a great way to quickly send larger files together. Simply use a free PDF​ file merger to combine files that you can turn around and send right away.

Freelancers are a wonderful option for businesses looking to expand and stay current with shifts in modern employment. Widen your worker search and begin to build a freelance team that spans the globe, and your business will benefit from your willingness to learn and grow.

Our goal at Home Office Wellness is to turn your workspace into a place of productivity and wellness. We want you to feel healthier than ever before so you can thrive at your job.

For more information, please visit our website or contact us today!

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Home-Based Side Gigs for People with Disabilities 

Guest article by Carla Lopez.

If you’re a parent with a disability, you likely spend a lot of time at home. Between managing your parenting responsibilities and navigating the daily challenges posed by your disability, it can be tough to find paying work that offers the flexibility you need. Fortunately, starting your own home-based side gig is a great alternative to employment! With a little hard work, you can leverage your skills and talents to earn an income on your own terms. In this article, The Side Hustle Journey shares some tips to help you get started with your side gig.

Why Start a Side Hustle?

Side gigs typically cost little to start and have the potential to become very profitable. And even if you don’t need money right now, a side hustle is a great opportunity to learn new skills, enrich your life with meaning, or simply keep yourself busy while the kids are in school. The key is to pick a side hustle that aligns with your skills and interests. There are many viable side businesses you can start from home, including selling handcrafted products, online marketing, selling digital products, online surveys or marketing yourself as a freelancer. Once you start earning money doing something you love, you’ll never look back!

Building Your Own Business

Few things are as fulfilling as running your own business. As someone with a disability, launching your own business can offer an incredible confidence boost. You’ll learn how to leverage your skills and abilities to come out on top, regardless of whatever challenges stand in your way.

Set yourself up for success right from the start with a solid business plan. Your business plan will serve as a roadmap of all the steps you need to take to get from where you are now to reach your ultimate business goals. In your business plan, include a description of your company, how you intend to structure your business, how much you will need to spend, and what kind of revenue you can expect in the coming months.

Streamlining Your Side Gig

If you can streamline your side gig, or at least part of it, you can grow your business without hiring help or spending all day grinding away at the computer. Take advantage of software and online apps designed to shorten time-consuming business tasks. For example, you can try a free invoice maker to streamline your invoicing process and ensure you always get paid on time. Online invoice makers allow you to quickly create professional invoices featuring your own branding and business information. Simply choose a preferred template, then add your brand information and any particular colors or fonts. 

Landing Your First Customers

Ready to find your first customers? DIY marketing can be surprisingly easy once you get the hang of it. Focus on free and low-cost digital marketing strategies if you’re on a budget. For example, it’s wise to create a website to showcase your skills and use social media to drive traffic to your website. These techniques work especially well for service-based businesses.

Market Via Instagram

In recent years, the rise of social media has created new opportunities for entrepreneurs. In particular, platforms like Instagram have become powerful tools for marketing and advertising. By sharing photos and videos, businesses can reach a wide audience with little to no cost. For side hustlers, this can be a valuable way to promote their products or services. By posting engaging content, side hustlers can generate interest and drive traffic to their website or online store. In addition, Instagram can be used to connect with potential customers and build relationships. With its large user base and easy-to-use interface, Instagram is an ideal platform for growing a side hustle.

Making Time for Self-Care

While you get your side gig up and running, remember to make time for your needs. As a parent with a disability, carving out space for self-care is essential for your mental and physical wellbeing. Be sure to get enough rest, take breaks from your work, and pursue forms of exercise that accommodate your disability. Keeping your mind and body in top shape is essential for maintaining the energy you need to juggle your side gig alongside your existing parenting responsibilities. Practicing self-care will make you a better parent and business owner! 

If you’re thinking about starting a side gig from home, don’t let your disability stop you. Anyone can run a home business. With good research and planning, you can get your part-time hustle off the ground in no time!

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How to Make It Through a Mid-Life Crisis

Guest post by Emma Grace Brown.

If you are between ages 40 and 65, you may be experiencing a mid-life crisis if you question your life’s purpose, feel apathetic, or think that your most significant achievements are behind you. This phenomenon usually accompanies a significant life event such as a loved one’s death, divorce, or career setback. However, focusing on the following can help you regain a positive outlook.

Start a new business

If you dream of being an entrepreneur, mid-life is an excellent time to take action. Starting a business during this time increases your chances for success because you can rely upon hard-earned confidence, experience, capital, and business contacts.

Go back to school

Continuing your education can help you launch a new mid-life career that you love.  Choose online classes or a degree program that accommodate your job and family obligations. Accredited institutions offer competitive tuition rates for online bachelor’s or master’s degree programs covering education, entrepreneurship, IT, and other courses that will help you achieve your goals. 

Focus on your staying physically fit 

Mid-life is a perfect time to evaluate and promote your physical, mental, and emotional fitness. For example, if you have a sedentary office job, consider ways to incorporate more physical activity into your day. Joining a gym, practicing yoga, Tai Chi, or a new sport are enjoyable ways to stay physically. You can also invest in fitness-promoting office equipment to keep moving while working at your desk or computer. 

Revamp your diet

Your diet can impact your mood and physical health; however, taking charge of your mid-life nutritional needs can combat the crisis you experience. Cooking lessons can encourage healthy choices, provide a creative outlet and encourage community through in-person or live-streaming interactive options. 

Pick up a hobby

Starting hobbies during mid-life can lead to years of fulfillment and a positive outlook or add joy to your life. Also, whether you learn to read music, sew, garden, play sports, or an instrument, hobbies can improve your confidence, memory, concentration, decision-making, and coordination while reducing your dementia risk. 

Travel the world

Physically exploring the world can cure your mid-life ennui by providing new perspectives or challenging your comfort level. For example, if you eschew the outdoors for much of your life, planning a camping trip can turn you into a nature lover. Or, an ocean cruise can inspire a love for the water that leads to a passion for swimming that also provides mood-boosting exercise.

Make time for family and friends

Raising children and caring for elderly parents can consume your thoughts and contribute to anxiety during mid-life. Reigniting old friendships and proactively setting aside a few hours each week to bond with supportive family members can reduce the stress of managing these obligations and improves your outlook and self-image.

Adopt a pet

Pets can help ward off many physical and psychological aspects of a mid-life crisis. They provide companionship that promotes a positive outlook and mitigates depression. If you opt for a dog, the daily walks and physical activities you can enjoy together will promote better cardiovascular health and overall fitness.

Volunteer your time

Volunteering at a pet shelter, soup kitchen, or another non-profit can help you develop social relationships, inspire a new passion and help you to develop new skills you can use to succeed in a  new career or develop a sense of purpose.

The psychological aspects of a mid-life crisis do not need to dominate your outlook when you take proactive measures to take control of the rest of your life. Explore Home Office Wellness for more ways to live your best and healthiest life.

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4 Easy Steps to Take Your Business From Idea to Startup

Guest post by Nicola Reid (

Do you have an amazing idea for a new business but don’t know where to start? These five steps will help you bring your startup ideas to life. 

1. Validate Your Business Idea

The first step is validating your business idea. Investopedia recommends testing your ideas on seven fronts to ensure viability. 

  1. Uniqueness. Is your product or service new or unique?
  2. Funding. Can you access enough money to support your business in the startup phase?
  3. Customers. Is there sufficient demand for your offer? 
  4. Competition. How many other companies offer a similar product or service? 
  5. Economic Mood. Are the people you want to target in the mood for buying this type of offer right now?
  6. Timing. What is the best time of year to launch this new offer?
  7. Marketing. How will you get the word out about your startup?

2. Write a Business Plan

The best way to answer these questions is to develop a business plan. Not only will this validate your small business idea, but it will also structure your company for success. 

Assess Your Own Skills

This is a good opportunity to assess your own skills and make sure you have what it takes to make this business succeed. Consider enrolling in an MBA program to give you a competitive edge. A business degree will help you become a better leader and develop your strategic management skills. 

Gather the Team

No business owner is an island. To succeed as an entrepreneur, you need a great team. Identify the roles you’ll need to fill in your startup and start thinking about who would be perfect to fill them. 

Finance Your Business

The startup phase can get expensive. Think about where you’ll get the money to finance expenses for up to two years. Sources of money include small business loans and grants, business credit cards, personal savings, and investments from friends, family, or venture capitalists

Marketing Your Product or Service

Detail the steps you’ll take to promote your offer.

  • Will you partner with or leverage relationships with existing businesses?
  • Will you use traditional advertising such as television or radio ads, billboards, or magazine ads?
  • To what extent will you incorporate social media?

3. Set Up Your Workspace

You better get cozy — starting a business takes hours of hard work. Ensure your body is ready for the long haul by setting up a comfortable and ergonomic workspace. To maximize your productivity and maintain your physical health while launching your business, consider getting a treadmill desk or a sit-stand desk from Home Office Wellness. You’ll also need an office chair that can go the distance. 

4. Make It Official

There are a few steps you need to take to make your business official. 

  • Register a business name
  • Decide whether your company will be a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation
  • Get a business license
  • Acquire appropriate insurance

Put Your Idea Into Action Today

If you’re ready to turn your business idea into a startup, there’s no time like the present. Start testing your offer’s viability by talking to potential customers, and if the need is there, put your plan in place to fill it. The world is waiting for your unique solutions.

Shop Home Office Wellness to outfit your workspace.

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How to Turn Your Garage Into the Perfect Home Office

Guest post by Tina Martin.

How to Turn Your Garage Into the Perfect Home Office

Many people like the idea of working from home but they are hesitant to do so because they don’t think that they have the space to set up a suitable office. However, if you own your home, then you might have a chance to transform your garage into a great workspace. At Home Office Wellness, we want everyone to be comfortable and productive in their remote position, so we have some tips for how you can modify the garage so it is suitable for your work.

Clean It Up

The first thing that you will want to do is clean out the garage as best as you can so you have a suitable space. Remove the power tools, lawnmower, landscaping products, and any other items that don’t absolutely need to be in the area. You can put the things you still use in a shed and donate what you no longer need. Next, sweep and dust the area to remove all of the filth.

Insulate the Space

Next, you will want to insulate the garage so you can keep cool during the hottest summer months and keep out the bitter chill during the coldest months. There are several steps that you can take to insulate the space, starting with sealing all cracks along the exterior walls so that you aren’t leaking any energy. You should also add waterproof sealant to the perimeter of all external windows so you are protecting the space from both sides. If your garage isn’t insulated at all, then add fiberglass insulation in the spaces of the walls between each stud. If necessary, also add insulation to the ceiling and the garage door. Once you are done, install the drywall over it.

Fix Up the Walls

Now that the space is spotless, you should spruce up the walls so it looks less like a garage and more like a traditional room. You can start by adding a coat of paint to all of the walls. You can either go with white or try a more soothing color like light blue or gray.

Another great idea is using woven grasscloth wallpaper for your walls, which will create an elegant look that will impress clients and anyone else who walks into the space. If you go with this option, then it is a smart idea to choose a peel-and-stick option that is easy to apply and remove if necessary. 

Add Natural Light

While you should at least have an overhead light to help you to see your work, you will likely need to find other ways to add natural light into your garage. Natural light will allow you to see your work while also cutting down on utility costs and it will also improve your productivity. While you do have the option to add a window, you can also add light by replacing the garage door with one that has windows already built into it or you can install a skylight.

Furnish the Space

Even though you are working out of a garage, it doesn’t mean that you should be sitting in a cheap chair and working off of a folding table. Instead, it is important that you make your garage space official by finding a suitable desk and also spend a few extra bucks on a quality chair that provides the ergonomic support that you need to work your eight-hour day without feeling pain in your back or neck. If you ever entertain guests in the space, then consider adding an extra chair or a couch to really complete the look.

As you can see, there are many ways that you can transform your garage into a perfectly suitable office space. Try these tips and you’ll be amazed by the final product. If you would like to know more about the services offered by Home Office Wellness, then contact us at 866-876-1791.

Photo Source – Unsplash

Vendor Fair Success Starts Before The Show

Guest post by Lance Cody-Valdez.

We all love craft fairs. They are a fun way to spend an afternoon and an even better way to earn an income if you’ve got a side hustle producing goods to sell. But, you can’t just show up and expect success. You must prepare well and prepare early if you want to make the most of your time in the tent. For example, you absolutely need to make your own business cards to have available during the show. Even if you don’t make the sale, having something for potential buyers to take away.

Here are some more steps you can take before you sign up for your first vendor event so that you can prime yourself for success.

Do your research

No matter what type of business venture you set out on, research is always the first step. If your business is crafting, and your goal is to sell at vendor fairs or farmers’ markets, one of the very first things you should do is to determine if there is already competition selling where you want to be. While a bit of healthy competition is good for everyone, you don’t want to be the fifth soapmaker that visitors see.

Next, start looking into pricing. There are many mistakes you can make when setting a price, including undervaluing yourself. It’s typically best to use a craft pricing formula, which takes the guesswork out of the process and gives you room to be profitable.

Establish your business

Once you are ready to begin selling, you will want to look at your hobby as a legitimate business. Start by giving it a name that defines what you are about. According to Name Stormers, having a great name influences how everyone from your customers to your competition views your business. Your business name should have some meaning, be simple, and, if possible, unique and fun.

Now that you have a name, it’s time to register as an LLC. It doesn’t matter if you’re teaching crafts or selling them, having your business set up legally—each state has different rules, so research this, too—gives you some advantages at tax time and makes it easier for you to keep accurate records. Cost is determined by everything from attorney fees to state filing fees. You can save by using an online formation service, which can guide you through the process.

Stockpile inventory

How much inventory do you need? The answer to that question isn’t always easy to come by. There are many variables, including the type of business you own, the number of people expected to be in attendance, the affordability of your products, and the amount of money you need to make to turn a profit after you’ve paid entry fees, lodging, and other expenses.

Because you will likely be making more products, you’ll want to make sure that your home/craft area is set up comfortably. You will need a functional workspace and equipment as well as in-house storage and, importantly, storage containers to move products to and from your events.

Test your booth layout

Your booth will likely be a 10 x 10 or 12 x 12 space. This is smaller than most bedrooms, and, as such, you have to make the most of it. Whether you’re setting up at a farmers’ market selling fresh fruits and vegetables or you offer on-the-spot embroidery of custom-made baby bibs, you must showcase your very best goods. Make sure that your tent is large enough to cover your entire booth and that you have a spot to hang a banner or place a vertical display to draw people in.

While you won’t truly know what you can and can’t sell until you get there, getting yourself prepared now puts you in a better position to run a professional and portable shop that you can take anywhere. Remember, it starts with research, but everything you do to get ready now is a boon to your business.

If you’re embarking on the journey of turning your side hustle into a career, follow The Side Hustle Journey for tips and lessons on how to succeed.

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Budget-Friendly Home Office Upgrades to Transform Your Workspace

Guest post by Emma Grace Brown at

Approximately 18 percent of workers around the world are doing their jobs from home. Many companies have made this shift permanent. This shift to remote work means more people have created workspaces in their homes to do their job. Creating a happy, productive work environment is key to success when working from home. Thankfully, creating this space doesn’t have to break the bank — Home Office Wellness has some tips that can help your office look its best on a budget.

A Fresh Coat of Paint 

Giving your home office a fresh coat of paint can make the entire space look brand-new, and it doesn’t cost much. Consider using color psychology to choose your new wall colors. Each color is said to have different effects on your mood. For example, blue and green can both be calming, but blue is said to increase productivity, while green may help with research comprehension. 

Furniture Upgrades Worth the Cost 

Some furniture upgrades are worth the cost. If you’re on a budget, consider buying secondhand or looking into layaway plans to purchase the items you want.

Teeter explains that a stand-up desk is highly recommended as it can help you remain alert and productive throughout your workday. Standing while working can also alleviate back pain. If you don’t think you can stand for your entire workday, consider a desk that transitions from stand-up to sit-down.

A sturdy storage cabinet is another excellent upgrade idea. Not only will it help you stay organized, but it also reduces visible clutter. One survey cited in Harvard Business Review found that cluttered work areas can cause people to lose up to two hours of working time each week. 

Look for a quality office chair. You want to find one that’s comfortable and supportive. Although they’re more expensive, Secret Lab gaming chairs come recommended for office workers. Not only do they provide more support than traditional options, but their durability means they’ll last for years.

Revamp Your Existing Office Furniture 

Sometimes you don’t need to replace your office furniture but simply revamp it. For example, if there’s a stain on a piece of your cloth furniture that won’t come out, hiring a professional upholstery cleaner could make it look new again. Find local companies and read online reviews to find the best furniture cleaning company. Ask potential hires for references—it should be a red flag if an upholstery company refuses to provide them. You should also avoid working with companies that use all-in-one cleaning tools, as these aren’t nearly as efficient as specialized ones.

Add Some Motivation 

While you don’t want to clutter your walls, adding a few motivational pieces can help you stay focused. Depending on the size of your home office, you should pick no more than two or three motivational pieces for your walls. These could be quotes, people you admire, or places you want to go. It doesn’t matter what pieces you choose as long as they motivate you.

Home Office Upgrades Don’t Have to Cost a Fortune

Transforming your home workspace doesn’t have to break the bank. Following these tips and suggestions will help get you set up, organized, and up and running in no time!

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How Immigrant Families Can Help Their Communities Here And At Home

Guest post by Lance Cody-Valdez.

It is amazing that America is a melting pot of cultures and that we can all work together to succeed and live happy lives. If you are a senior who is relatively new to this country, then know that we welcome you with open arms. Some immigrants may see this sentiment and wonder how they can show their gratitude and give back. Here are some tips for how seniors can give back to their community and support those in your home country.

If you’re ready to become your own boss, visit The Side Hustle Journey for tips and lessons learned! 

Giving Back

It is incredibly rewarding to give back to the community that you call home. As we know, some families struggle to survive, so you can do your part by volunteering at one of the hundreds of different organizations.

You could volunteer at a soup kitchen and provide meals to the hungry or you could go to the local library and donate books or clean and organize the inventory so children and those who hope to improve their lives can learn everything they need to know. Homeless shelters are always looking for volunteers who can support those in need and be someone that they can talk to. Just make sure you listen and respond with kindness. 

If you cannot work at these organizations, you can at least donate items that you no longer use, including clothes, food, furniture, items from around the house, and money, which they will put to a good cause.

Help Homeowners

Another way for skilled seniors to help the people who really make up their community is to help folks in their neighborhood with small jobs around the home. Some people with disabilities and other constraints can’t always take the time to maintain their property, so you can volunteer your time by raking leaves, doing small repairs, or painting walls that have seen better days.

You can also provide more invasive assistance, including helping neighbors replace their windows or helping them to maintain their yard by planting grass and fertilizing their yard. 

There is also the option of building new homes for people in the community that don’t have them. Organizations like Habitat for Humanity and Home For Our Troops are good starting points.

Connect With Family Back Home

While you are helping your community, you must not forget about your family back home. They love and miss you, so you should make an effort to connect with them. Advancing technologies have made this process easier than ever by allowing you to have video calls with those that you love with the touch of a button in countries like Russia and Brazil. There are many great apps that make speaking to family internationally a snap, including WhatsApp and Google Voice, which are both easy to use.

If you are earning a good income once you have settled in America, then you may consider sending care packages or money back home to help support your family. A few presents will really make a big impression. You can add a personal touch to the care packages you send home by including pictures of you at home, at work, and while you are out volunteering, so everyone can see how you are enjoying your new life and becoming part of a community.

If you’re sending money back home, there are low-fee money transfer services that you can use. For instance, if you’d like to send cash to relatives in Mexico, Remitly allows you to securely send money in a few minutes to more than 40,000 pickup locations throughout the country. 

It is only natural to want to be part of something bigger, and volunteering your time is a great way to make a difference. 

Photo source – Unsplash