Can a Career Change Improve Your Life?

Guest post by Lance Cody-Valdez

It’s no secret that many people are unhappy with their careers. A recent Gallup poll found that a whopping 70% of Americans are “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” from their work. If you’re in that majority, it’s probably time for a change. 

But how do you know if a new career is right for you? The Side Hustle Journey has some practical tips to help you find the answer:

Evaluate Your Current Situation

The first step is to take a hard look at your current situation. Are you truly unhappy with your job, or are there just a few things that you don’t like? 

If it’s the latter, it might be worth making some changes within your current career before undergoing a complete overhaul. But if you’re completely miserable, it’s probably time for something new. Here are some questions to answer for gauging your engagement at work:

  • Do you enjoy the tasks involved in your job?
  • Do you feel challenged and fulfilled by your work?
  • Is your work-life balance in a good place?
  • How happy are you with your current place on your career path?

Consider Your Skills and Interests

Next, think about the skills and interests that you currently have. What are you good at? What do you enjoy doing? There’s no point in changing careers if you’re just going to end up in the same situation, so it’s critical to find something that interests and challenges you.

Research Potential Careers

Once you know what you’re looking for, it’s time to do some research. Thankfully, there are tons of resources online that can help you learn about different careers. Talk to people who are already in the field that you’re interested in and see if it’s a good fit for you.

Consider Business Ownership

Starting a business can be a gratifying experience. It can provide you with an income while allowing you more control over your destiny. If you’re thinking about becoming a business owner, there are a few things that you need to do to ensure your business is successful:

Come up with a business idea. 

There are many different types of businesses that you can start, and it’s crucial to choose one that best suits your interests and skills. Once you’ve chosen a business idea, you’ll need to do some research to ensure that there’s a market for your product or service.

For example, becoming a general contractor could be ideal if you have a knack for construction, can communicate well, and enjoy leading other people. And people will always need houses built and renovated! That said, it’s essential to incorporate modern technology in today’s world, which is why you’ll want to research general contractor business software. You can determine which product to choose here; the right software will allow you to manage your projects, create invoices, and design homes more efficiently. 

Make a business plan.

After you have done your research, it’s time to write a business plan. This document will outline your company’s goals, strategies, and finances. You’ll want to be realistic when creating your business plan and remember that things may not go as planned. That said, having a detailed plan will help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

Brainstorm marketing ideas. 

After creating your business plan, start figuring out how to promote your business. Building a website, creating social media accounts, and advertising in local newspapers or online directories are excellent places to start. This is also a great time to determine how you can offer top-notch customer service so that your customers will keep coming back.

Wrapping Up

Making a career change can be a daunting task, but it can also be one of the most rewarding things that you’ll ever do. If you’re unhappy with your current situation, then consider making a change. Just be sure to do your research and create a solid plan before taking the plunge. And most importantly, don’t forget to take care of yourself along the way.

If you enjoyed this article, you can find more helpful content on The Side Hustle Journey!

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Vendor Fair Success Starts Before The Show

Guest post by Lance Cody-Valdez.

We all love craft fairs. They are a fun way to spend an afternoon and an even better way to earn an income if you’ve got a side hustle producing goods to sell. But, you can’t just show up and expect success. You must prepare well and prepare early if you want to make the most of your time in the tent. For example, you absolutely need to make your own business cards to have available during the show. Even if you don’t make the sale, having something for potential buyers to take away.

Here are some more steps you can take before you sign up for your first vendor event so that you can prime yourself for success.

Do your research

No matter what type of business venture you set out on, research is always the first step. If your business is crafting, and your goal is to sell at vendor fairs or farmers’ markets, one of the very first things you should do is to determine if there is already competition selling where you want to be. While a bit of healthy competition is good for everyone, you don’t want to be the fifth soapmaker that visitors see.

Next, start looking into pricing. There are many mistakes you can make when setting a price, including undervaluing yourself. It’s typically best to use a craft pricing formula, which takes the guesswork out of the process and gives you room to be profitable.

Establish your business

Once you are ready to begin selling, you will want to look at your hobby as a legitimate business. Start by giving it a name that defines what you are about. According to Name Stormers, having a great name influences how everyone from your customers to your competition views your business. Your business name should have some meaning, be simple, and, if possible, unique and fun.

Now that you have a name, it’s time to register as an LLC. It doesn’t matter if you’re teaching crafts or selling them, having your business set up legally—each state has different rules, so research this, too—gives you some advantages at tax time and makes it easier for you to keep accurate records. Cost is determined by everything from attorney fees to state filing fees. You can save by using an online formation service, which can guide you through the process.

Stockpile inventory

How much inventory do you need? The answer to that question isn’t always easy to come by. There are many variables, including the type of business you own, the number of people expected to be in attendance, the affordability of your products, and the amount of money you need to make to turn a profit after you’ve paid entry fees, lodging, and other expenses.

Because you will likely be making more products, you’ll want to make sure that your home/craft area is set up comfortably. You will need a functional workspace and equipment as well as in-house storage and, importantly, storage containers to move products to and from your events.

Test your booth layout

Your booth will likely be a 10 x 10 or 12 x 12 space. This is smaller than most bedrooms, and, as such, you have to make the most of it. Whether you’re setting up at a farmers’ market selling fresh fruits and vegetables or you offer on-the-spot embroidery of custom-made baby bibs, you must showcase your very best goods. Make sure that your tent is large enough to cover your entire booth and that you have a spot to hang a banner or place a vertical display to draw people in.

While you won’t truly know what you can and can’t sell until you get there, getting yourself prepared now puts you in a better position to run a professional and portable shop that you can take anywhere. Remember, it starts with research, but everything you do to get ready now is a boon to your business.

If you’re embarking on the journey of turning your side hustle into a career, follow The Side Hustle Journey for tips and lessons on how to succeed.

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How Immigrant Families Can Help Their Communities Here And At Home

Guest post by Lance Cody-Valdez.

It is amazing that America is a melting pot of cultures and that we can all work together to succeed and live happy lives. If you are a senior who is relatively new to this country, then know that we welcome you with open arms. Some immigrants may see this sentiment and wonder how they can show their gratitude and give back. Here are some tips for how seniors can give back to their community and support those in your home country.

If you’re ready to become your own boss, visit The Side Hustle Journey for tips and lessons learned! 

Giving Back

It is incredibly rewarding to give back to the community that you call home. As we know, some families struggle to survive, so you can do your part by volunteering at one of the hundreds of different organizations.

You could volunteer at a soup kitchen and provide meals to the hungry or you could go to the local library and donate books or clean and organize the inventory so children and those who hope to improve their lives can learn everything they need to know. Homeless shelters are always looking for volunteers who can support those in need and be someone that they can talk to. Just make sure you listen and respond with kindness. 

If you cannot work at these organizations, you can at least donate items that you no longer use, including clothes, food, furniture, items from around the house, and money, which they will put to a good cause.

Help Homeowners

Another way for skilled seniors to help the people who really make up their community is to help folks in their neighborhood with small jobs around the home. Some people with disabilities and other constraints can’t always take the time to maintain their property, so you can volunteer your time by raking leaves, doing small repairs, or painting walls that have seen better days.

You can also provide more invasive assistance, including helping neighbors replace their windows or helping them to maintain their yard by planting grass and fertilizing their yard. 

There is also the option of building new homes for people in the community that don’t have them. Organizations like Habitat for Humanity and Home For Our Troops are good starting points.

Connect With Family Back Home

While you are helping your community, you must not forget about your family back home. They love and miss you, so you should make an effort to connect with them. Advancing technologies have made this process easier than ever by allowing you to have video calls with those that you love with the touch of a button in countries like Russia and Brazil. There are many great apps that make speaking to family internationally a snap, including WhatsApp and Google Voice, which are both easy to use.

If you are earning a good income once you have settled in America, then you may consider sending care packages or money back home to help support your family. A few presents will really make a big impression. You can add a personal touch to the care packages you send home by including pictures of you at home, at work, and while you are out volunteering, so everyone can see how you are enjoying your new life and becoming part of a community.

If you’re sending money back home, there are low-fee money transfer services that you can use. For instance, if you’d like to send cash to relatives in Mexico, Remitly allows you to securely send money in a few minutes to more than 40,000 pickup locations throughout the country. 

It is only natural to want to be part of something bigger, and volunteering your time is a great way to make a difference. 

Photo source – Unsplash